MHT Launches Inaugural Wings for Autism Program
On Saturday, October 27, 2012, Manchester-Boston Regional Airport, in partnership with The Charles River Center, Southwest Airlines and the Transportation Security Administration, will offer its first Wings for Autism event. The program will afford families with children on the autism spectrum, an opportunity to experience the process of preparing for a flight e.g., entering the airport, receiving a boarding pass, going through the security checkpoint and boarding an airplane.
Representatives from The Charles River Center will be on-hand to provide information and training for airport personnel to assist them in accommodating families traveling with special needs children.
Airport Director Mark Brewer commented, “We have seen a steady increase in the number of families with autistic children requesting special assistance to prepare for their first trip. Up to this point, we have been accommodating these families on a case-by-case basis. The first formal MHT Wings for Autism Program will allow us to host numerous families from across the region while also providing an opportunity for airport, airline and TSA personnel to learn how we can better serve families traveling with special needs children.
Participation in the MHT Wings for Autism program is free but limited and registration is required. To register for the October event, please visit