Doing Business with MHT

Procurement Services

Procurement of Services

The Airport is operated by the City of Manchester, NH Department of Aviation and complies with the City’s procurement code.
The City of Manchester Procurement Code is contained in Chapter 39 of the Manchester NH Code of Ordinances – Title III: Administration.

The MHT website is used to provide notice of bid opportunities and to provide all information required.

View all Procurement Opportunities here.

Rules and Regulations & Minimum Standards

Interested in doing business at Manchester-Boston Regional Airport? The Airport’s Rules and Regulations and Minimum Standards for General Aviation Commercial Operators provide guidelines for both new and existing Airport businesses.

Rules and Regulations
Minimum Standards

Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Plan

Manchester-Boston Regional Airport hereby announces its federal fiscal years 2024-2026 49 CFR Part 26 Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) plan related to FAA-assisted contracts for professional services and construction projects. The minimum DBE participation goal is 5.36%. The Airport is currently in the process of its public comment and review for its next 3-year DBE goal for federally-funded projects at the Airport, and in compliance with the United States Department of Transportation’s regulations under 49 CFR Part 26, the Airport welcomes your organization’s input concerning the goal methodology, the effects of discrimination on opportunities for DBEs to perform work in New Hampshire, and the Airport’s efforts to adhere to the federal requirements. All firms and organizations, both DBE and non-DBE, are invited to attend a teleconference on July 17, 2023. The purpose of the meeting will be to review goal calculation methodology and answer any public questions/concerns. Final comments are due to Wayne Robinson, Internal Auditor, at no later than July 24, 2023. 

The City of Manchester, New Hampshire, Department of Aviation (the Airport), has established a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) program in accordance with regulations of the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT).

20210306 MHT DBE Plan FFY2021-23 Final

Airport Concession Disadvantaged
Business Enterprise Plan

The City of Manchester, New Hampshire, Department of Aviation (the Airport), has established an Airport Concession Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (ACDBE) program in accordance with regulations of the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT).


Engineering & Construction

Consulting Services

MHT maintains “on-call” consulting contracts with a number of firms, which enables the Airport to react quickly to varying needs throughout the year. MHT contracts with engineering and architectural consulting firms on a multi-year basis.

The Airport may choose to hold contracts in any of the following areas:

  • Civil & Architectural
  • Planning
  • Land Survey
  • Environmental

The Airport may seek qualified firms for these or other professional services at any time without regard to any procurement action undertaken by the Airport.

Construction Management Services

The process for selection generally includes these steps:

  1. Solicitation of qualifications from interested firms. Criteria for selection are included in the solicitation.
  2. MHT may request proposals from the “shortlist” of candidates.
  3. MHT may conduct interviews or make their decision based on the qualifications or proposals.
  4. Construction Managers will be selected on a project by project basis.

Construction Contracts

MHT typically uses the sealed bid process for airfield and landside civil projects.  Construction Management (CM) or Design-Build may be used when the Airport believes it will benefit the project.

Contractors must be pre-qualified, per the City’s Procurement Code, for all projects with an estimated value of $250k or more. For projects less than $250k the Airport may choose whether or not to pre-qualify contractors.

Early each year (typically January or February), the upcoming year’s projects are publicly announced in the Union Leader [see the 2024 Advertisement]. Interested firms should complete the Pre-Qualification Application Package in order to be considered for any of these projects. Pre-qualified contractors will be notified of all appropriate projects throughout the year.

Additional projects that do not fall under any of the categories or descriptions previously advertised will be advertised in the Union Leader at the appropriate time, and will require separate pre-qualification.

Any questions regarding the pre-qualification process should be directed to Engineering & Planning at or by fax at 603-628-6038.